What key should we use to open Taunt Menu (Custom Taunt Window) Ph_default_customtaunt_key (Default: 13, the “C” Key) What key should we use to spawn ‘Decoy’ prop Ph_cl_decoy_spawn_key (Default: 2, the number “1” key on top of “Q” key in QWERTY keyboard) They don’t accept something like “MOUSE 1”, “A”, “B”, etc, but they will do something like this: If you want a key “J”, that’s mean you need to write it’s value as “20” Note: Before continue, to know what’s key you want to assign, please visit to this Garry’s Mod wiki (link below) to consult what key number should you use for this ConVars. This only shows 4x and resets until map changes or when a player is reconnecting to the server. Show ‘Game Control’ pop up notification on every time player re-spawns. Show a bar that informs the total alive players in a team on top-left of the screen. Only works if you’re using Mouse 1 Click for Replicating. Toggle to Show/Hide a Halo effects when aiming to a prop. Play a winning, lose, or “draw” music/sound when the round ends. Show a custom crosshair for props and hunters. Show a line on hunters so we can see their aim in spectator mode. Options to show a Player Names above players. The “Up” (or tall) position for third person camera. The “Right/Left” position for third person camera. The “Forward Distance” position for third person camera. Play a background music when Last Prop Standing started. This won’t show the effect if server disable this feature. Show/Hide Halo effects, even the game sets it. Client Side: Miscellaneous / Plugins Last Prop Standing This will disable right-clicking function in taunt menu. Randomize pitch for Default Taunt (Random Taunt), rather than using from preferred pitch level.Īllow use of pitch function for custom taunts (Taunt that played from Taunt Menu)?Įnable Right Clicking for Taunting. Randomize pitch for Custom Taunt (Taunt that played from Taunt Menu), rather than using from preferred pitch level. Randomize pitch for Fake Taunt instead, rather than using from preferred pitch level.Īllow use of pitch function for Random Taunts (the default taunt) They do not play on Player-controlled props though, however, they do play on your Decoy Prop. Client Side: Taunt OptionsĪutomatically close the taunt menu window after double-clicking a taunt item.Īllow use of pitch function for Fake Taunts.įake Taunts is a feature where you can play a taunt to a random props in the maps.

Show ‘Decoy (Fake Prop)’ icon/marker to be displayed, once they’re spawned. This will show a little white dot with a text near on your crosshair that acts as “Indicator” Show ‘Lucky ball’ icon/marker to be displayed, once they’re spawned. Show ‘Devil ball’ icon/marker to be displayed, once they’re spawned.